Treat your herb with love
or don't do it at all
Let's assume you're sitting in a scientific lab and your job is watching the most magnificent and glorious weed flower you've ever seen in your life. What would you do first - smoke it or take a selfie with it?
As far as I'm concerned, my first choice would be rolling a joint of this pure Sativa cannabis and pass it to all of you guys (and girls). But then I would be In big trouble (distributing, you know).
When my eyes first laid on this under microscope Sativa I was clear as Perrier mineral water, and I got high right on the spot, just looking at it. Bought it. Not a negligible investment, but a stoner gotta do what a stoner gotta do!
As you know, not all people are the same - nor all herb grinders. The Sativa under microscope image needed a compliant platform to sit on. This has required creating top quality accessory involving long line of innovations.
For example: aircraft aluminum alloy that makes extremely strong herb grinder but yet light as a feather. Three time bigger grind chamber. Exterior automobile grade print applied by the most innovative method (water transfer printing). A cewl bonus - smell proof bag - an innocent storage that lets you hit the road and keep the aroma inside hermetically, fresh & alive. Even a bloodhound won't guess what's inside. Power pivot magnet to clutch firmly the top to the body. Washable stainless micro pollen screen. A scraper to collect the powder with no waist of finger touch. 59 sharp diamond shaped teeth to ensure long term fresh, fluffy and aromatic grind… and much more.
Since you're gonna spend many years of quality time with your Micro Herb grinder it's good to know that your precious is certified by the highest quality standard: ISO9001. And if yet you don't feel confident enough, Micro Herb grinder comes with 5 year warranty. In other words, treat your weed with love, worry free, knowing your Micro Herb grinder will survive all future catastrophes.
More of its wonders right here
Well, while the smoking part of this scientific research belongs to bongers, spliffers, blunters, rollers, Steve's job (not to be confused with Steve jobs) is to photograph this piece of art. Needless to say that every masterpiece he shoots makes him feel like giving birth to a new born baby. Hell of a catch!!!
Now I had to decide where might be the best place to put it. It can make a beautiful wall. I don't know, marijuana has always felt more intimate than a wall. I needed something which is more like a friend I'm holding in my hand. Something like a stylish bottle of old scotch ,or a designed cup of fine boutique beer… Got the idea, right? If so, let me introduce the stoners new best friend - Micro Herb grinder.