Our precious customers
(Very partial list)

Armored forces memorial site

From the industries of the man & legend Steph Verthimer who’s name is a synonym for Patriot

Religion values enhancement program

See how the Patriot effects the patriots:
"We got them and we love them!"
"Children and adults alike were delighted with the Patriots - we gave them out at our Yom Haatzmaut celebration.
Pamela Ehrenkranz
UJA (Greenwich CT)
“Thanks so much Nadav…I’m a former world and national Frisbee champ with an amaxing 48 year flying disc collection. Your disc is going to a very good home. Thanks so much. Stay safe.
“I enjoy the Patriot… it flies very well. And a real trip to watch it fly… very nice.” Best Regards”
Gary (LA)
“Shalom, I am from Texas (USA) and You have something really Kewl….. Hashem and the flying Star of David. I would like to buy one of ur patriot flying Star of David. G-d Bless You and yours”
Robby Jones (Texas)
“I wish you could use large Patriots to shoot down missles shot into Israel. We are all praying for justice for your (and in our hearts, our) country.”
Harvey Shanies (NY)
“Nadav, I got them. Looks great. Thanks so much. Best regards"
David Coleman (Westchester USA)
“Toddah Rabbah and best wishes in your venture. Have you thought of looking up Jewish day schools in the US and sending literature to them? You might get some business that way. Also, Jewish summer camps..”
Paul Ostand (Cincinnati)